Competition Lawyers Blog

car rental sites

A loyalty penalty super complaint has been initiated, which is being investigated by UK’s competition regulators, the CMA.

The CMA (Competition and Markets Authority) are looking into the issue. A super complaint is a complaint usually made by a consumer body where a large number of consumers may be affected by the same issue. The complaint aims to ensure that consumers are always getting a fair deal instead of being ripped off.

The loyalty penalty super complaint relates to the mobile phone, broadband, savings accounts, mortgages and household insurance markets.

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green heating and insulation

The funerals market study is a currently being conducted by the CMA (Competition and Markets Authority) in the UK.

The scope of the funerals market study is to find out more information about the market to ensure it’s working fairly and efficiently. The key areas being assessed by the CMA include customer behaviours, customer experiences and decision-making processes that have led to customer decisions.

The review was initiated in summer this year and remains ongoing.

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finance and credit cards

The investment consultants market investigation currently underway by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has been updated.

The CMA opened their investigation last year after the FCA referred matters over for a market investigation. The CMA has been looking into ‘the supply and acquisition of investment consultancy services and fiduciary management services to and by institutional investors and employers in the UK’.

This followed an interim report published by the FCA (Financial Conduct Authority) in 2016 where they proposed that the investment consultancy market be referred for a competition investigation.

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A Royal Mail competition fine has been issued in the sum of £50m by the UK communications regulator for abuse of a dominant market position.

Regulators Ofcom accused the Royal Mail of penalising wholesale customers over bulk mail deliveries for things like council tax demands and bank statements. They were fined for discriminating against a rival, Whistl, who were subject to contractual changes back in 2014.

These changes included price increases that led to Whistl scrapping expansion plans that cost the business millions of pounds.

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cma to investigate online dating

The online dating competition investigation conducted by the CMA has come to a conclusion, with undertakings agreed by Venntro Media Group Limited.

The investigation was launched in October 2017 by the CMA (Competition and Markets Authority) over concerns about breaches of consumer protection law. The concerns surrounded advertising, use of consumers’ data and potentially unfair terms and conditions.

Venntro has now agreed to a number of undertakings in order to satisfy the CMA’s concerns and ensure fair competition in the online dating sector.

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retirement homes investigation

The care home Competition and Markets Authority investigation now has a key update. A consultation has been opened for drafting consumer law advice for UK providers.

The care home Competition and Markets Authority investigation has been going on since June 2017. It has been looking into a number of care home providers as a result of concerns over the contract terms and practices they engage in. The CMA have been concerned that some of the practises are breaches of consumer law.

A market study is also underway in addition to the specific care home investigations.

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If you need competition law advice if you think a breach has taken place and the breach has affected you, our Competition Lawyers can help.

Whether you’re an individual who feels you’re on the wrong end of a competition breach, a business owner whose supply chain needs investigating, or a whistle-blower at an organisation where a breaches are happening, we may be able to help you.

With fines from the UK’s competition watchdog, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), potentially running into the million of pounds, and compensation claims for victims of competition breaches, organisations cannot afford to breach the law; let alone the fact they ought to be acting with the best interests of the consumer in mind anyway.

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cma construction

Watchdog investigations into the design, construction and fit-out competition issues is set to go on, according to a recent update published by the CMA.

The CMA – the Competition and Markets Authority – have been investigating the industry since July 2017 on the basis of suspected anti-competitive agreements that may be having an adverse effect on the market, and therefore the consumer.

A year on from the CMA’s investigations commencing, the CMA has taken the decision to extend the investigation with the view to publish a further update toward the end of the year.

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There’s been an update in the huge pharmaceutical drugs competition investigation update being conducted by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA).

The update for the investigation, which is one of many investigations in to anti-competitive behaviour in the pharmaceutical drugs sector, is now a review into suspected anti-competitive agreements. There is also at least a suspicion of concerted practices in relation to generic pharmaceutical products.

If anti-competitive behaviour or agreements are identified, big fines could be issues against the offending organisations. Read More

cma funfair investigation

The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) accepted commitments made after the Showmen’s Guild competition case, with a link to rules of the Showmen’s Guild of Great Britain 2018 published last month.

The case itself surrounded the use of rules issued by the Showmen’s Guild that reduced the ability of new attractions to join fairs, thus limiting competition. Potentially millions of funfair visitors could be affected by the issue, resulting in a stifling of competition and deprived access to new and improved rides and attractions with motivation for invocation in the sector potentially low.

With members of the Showmen’s Guild making up for some 90% of the sector in the UK, and worth an estimated £100m a year, any competition issue in the sector could clearly have a huge impact on the consumers.

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