Competition Lawyers Blog


green heating and insulation

In an era marked by increasing environmental consciousness, the green heating and insulation sector has gained substantial traction for commitment to energy-efficient and sustainable solutions.

However, as this sector grows, so does the need for robust consumer protection measures. The UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has taken a significant step in this direction by addressing concerns within the industry in particular.

This article will look at the implications of the CMA’s actions and provides insights into ensuring consumer protection in the evolving landscape of green heating and insulation.

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housebuilding market study

Earlier this year, the UK’s competition regulator, the CMA, launched its housebuilding market study to look at whether there are any concerns in relation to competition and consumer law.

In this article, we take a brief look at the CMA study, although it is in its infancy and there is still much more work that needs to be done.

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road fuel market study

The CMA recently published an update in respect of its road fuel market study where it had been looking into the prices and competition in this particular sector.

The study was launched last year and came at an important time when the cost-of-living crisis was really hitting us all and continues to cause significant problems for families across the UK. It is essential to make sure that no companies are breaching competition law and that consumers are not being taken advantage of, particularly when we are all feeling the squeeze.

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finance and credit cards

The CMA has launched a project to look at the unit pricing in the grocery sector which, I think we can all agree, is a particularly important matter given the ongoing cost-of-living crisis.

The CMA has published its announcement in respect of the project recently, so we are very much in the early stages of this particular one. The matter also follows a previous Super Complaint in respect of the complexities and issues that could have been impeding the ability of consumers to make informed choices in respect of price comparison.

Read on for a little bit of information about this latest CMA project. I think we can all agree it is one to watch given that we are all feeling the pinch at the moment.

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old and written-off vehicles

The CMA (Competition and Markets Authority) is looking into suspected anti-competitive conduct in relation to old and written-off vehicles in the UK.

The investigation began approximately a year ago, and we will outline an update that has already been published by the CMA at the end of last year in respect of a penalty notice that has been issued.

The car industry is massive, and there have been a number of scandals that it has been involved in in recent years, and it can be somewhat of a murky area in terms of consumer confidence. The CMA’s work in identifying if there have been any breaches of competition law is incredibly important. If any breaches are established, swift and effective action could be taken.

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For several years, the CMA has been investigating social media endorsements to make sure that vital competition and consumer laws in the UK and not being broken.

Given the prevalence of social media, particularly in respect of it being used for marketing and advertising these days, it is vital that people know when they are seeing advertisements and products and services being pushed for recompense by influences. There have been many questions as to whether it has been clear enough that people know they are being advertised to as opposed to simply being recommended a product, which is the real focus of the CMA investigation.

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mobile radio network services

The CMA has launched a market investigation into the mobile radio network services in respect of the infrastructure used by emergency services to securely communicate in Great Britain.

The investigation is looking into whether the current model and market for this niche industry works to achieve efficiency and cost-effectiveness in respect of the tax burden on the British treasury. Whilst an infrastructure system was reportedly established some 20 years ago on a long-term contract basis, given how bespoke the requirements of the system were, the CMA is looking into whether we are now in a time where other providers may be able to offer more cost-effective solutions.

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electric vehicle charging market

Following its launch a while back, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) concluded its study of the electric vehicle charging market. It had been considering how competition could be encouraged, as well as assessing the measures that need to be taken to ensure that consumers receive a good service from this sector.

While the CMA often launches investigations where there are suspected breaches of competition law, it also conducts more pre-emptive research, anticipating how developments in certain sectors could affect businesses and consumers moving forward. Such inquiries often look to ensure that interested parties can speak out about any concerns, and to put together figures and statistics to create a picture of the market.

The assessment of the electric vehicle charging market is, of course, timely, given the growing availability of electric vehicles and the cost of petrol, although electricity prices are also surging. This is as well as the government’s goal of 2030 as the year in which petrol and diesel vehicle sales could be banned. In light of these developments, the CMA outlined steps which should be taken to enable the sector to function effectively in future.

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COVID-19 package holiday cancellations

In March 2020, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) announced its launch of a taskforce to tackle the challenges faced by businesses and consumers during the coronavirus pandemic. As part of the taskforce, the CMA later launched an investigation into COVID-19 package holiday cancellations, which has now been ongoing since last summer.

The decision to launch the investigation was made by the CMA following reports that some package holiday providers had been withholding refunds, despite the fact customers were forced to cancel holidays due to lockdown restrictions either within the UK or abroad.

In our eyes, no customer could have foreseen the coronavirus pandemic, and it is important that consumers are protected in these exceptional circumstances. We hope that the CMA’s continued pressure on the travel industry will ensure that all customers receive the refunds that they could be entitled to.

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consumers stung by bogus holiday deals

The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) continues to monitor pricing practices and behaviours for booking hotels online.

Since the completion of their investigations in 2015 into the sector, they have been actively engaged in monitoring developments. As an important sector to keep track of, their work – and that of their European competition counterparts – is clearly important.

Here is some information about the CMA’s latest publication of their work in this sector, and a brief background of the preceding events.

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