Competition Lawyers Blog


online advertising

As it has been a while since we looked at this one, here’s the latest in the investigation into alleged most favoured nation clauses in the price comparison website sector.

The investigation that’s being carried out by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is over the alleged use of such clauses for price comparison websites in relation to insurance products. The term “most favoured nation” originates from international trade agreements, whereby more favourable trade terms have been used between countries who favour each other more. In terms of competition law, it’s about contractual provisions whereby a seller may provide their best terms specifically to a particular buyer.

Such behaviour can restrict and distort competition, which is why it’s important for the CMA to look into it.

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online advertising

This month, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has confirmed that a market study has been launched into online platforms and digital advertising.

The CMA has cited their duty to protect consumers in what is a huge and growing digital economy. They want to ensure there’s healthy competition, and ensure that big players in the market are not abusing their powers for their own advantage.

Invitations for comment have been issued with a deadline for responses set for the end of this month.

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live event

The ongoing Viagogo court case between the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) and the secondary ticketing website is about to step up.

The CMA are reportedly moving ahead with contempt of court proceedings on the basis that they say Viagogo is still failing to adhere to a court order obtained earlier this year.

This is huge news, and it’s alarming to hear that the CMA considers that the ticketing resellers are still failing to comply with a court order. Following a market sector review, a number of firms changed their behaviours, but it appears that Viagogo isn’t fully complying.

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The CMA anti-virus software investigation was launched back in December 2018, and the consumer regulator has been looking into whether renewal practices are legally compliant.

This investigation was a part of the wider loyalty penalty super complaint. With both personal and business reliance on anti-virus software prevalent, this is a huge market sector where there’s a need to ensure that consumer law is always being adhered to.

In the most recent update, the CMA (Competition and Markets Authority) has provided a little more insight into what they’re focusing on as part of their market review.

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There has been a couple of updates in the ongoing funeral market investigation being carried out by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) in the UK.

We’ve been tracking this investigation for quite some time, and it’s one of particular importance given the sector and subject. There will always be a market for these kinds of services, and the market will likely continue to grow. As such, any concerns with regards to competition law is a matter that the CMA must look into in detail.

Since our previous article on the investigation, there has been a couple of updates.

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funeral costs investigation

The deadline has been set for the investigation into funeral costs that appear to have soared in recent years.

We should know by May 2019 whether any further action is to be taken. This could be a formal investigation into whether breaches of consumer law is taking place, or additional studies of the market and its workings.

To point out the obvious, we’re all going to die at some point. Given that dying comes with costs, this is an important sector when it comes to healthy competition and consumer protection. That’s not just because the industry is worth billions, or the fact that it’s usually a sad time for many, but also because there’s always going to be a market for it (we assume!).

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liothyronine tablets investigation

The pharmaceutical competition investigation has had a key deadline extended this month. The time being allowed for the analysis of information has been moved.

The ongoing pharmaceutical competition investigation is an important one. The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is looking into potential breaches of important competition law. Specifically, they’re looking at two different generic pharmaceutical drugs and whether there are illegal anti-competitive agreements and conduct in place.

This is an important sector when it comes to healthy competition. Any breaches need to be severely punished.

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green heating and insulation

The funerals market study is a currently being conducted by the CMA (Competition and Markets Authority) in the UK.

The scope of the funerals market study is to find out more information about the market to ensure it’s working fairly and efficiently. The key areas being assessed by the CMA include customer behaviours, customer experiences and decision-making processes that have led to customer decisions.

The review was initiated in summer this year and remains ongoing.

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